Maine State Beekeepers Association


MSBA produces timely and relevant webinars about a wide variety of beekeeping topics. See details about past webinars hereThey are open to the public, with recordings reserved for members only, which can be accessed through membership login.


February 20, 2024

“Enhancing Honey Bee Health: Native Plants for Pollinators in Maine” by Lynne Holland and David Lowe from Maine Cooperative Extension

March 25, 2024

“Tips and Tricks” with Karen Thurlow 

April 15, 2024

“The History of the Honey Bee in the US” with Dr. Tammy Horn Potter

May 21, 2024

“Assessment and Mitigation of Amitraz Resistance in Varroa” with Frank Rinkevich, USDA

June 17th

“The Mind of the Bee” with Lars Chittka

July 23, 2024 

“Oops, Mistakes We’ve All Made” with Anne Frey of Betterbee

August 29, 2024

“Varroa Control at Different Seasons” with Cameron Jack

September 24th

 “Small Hive Beetle Biology” with David Peck

November 19th, 2024

The Buzz 101 with Jen Lund, Maine State Apiarist



November– Anne Frey: “Comb Honey”

October 4– Maine State Apiarist, Jennifer Lund: “Seasonal Management for Successful Overwintering”

September 14– Dr. David T. Peck, PhD: “Seasonal Beekeeping: Getting Ready For and Then Surviving Winter”

August 16– Jon Zawislak: “Mysteries and Management of Laying Workers”

July 17– Steve Jimenez: Hives for Heroes

June 20– Jennifer Berry: “The UGA Bee Lab Research & Extension Update”

May 1– Dr. Heather Mattila: “How Do Honey Bees Defend Against Attacks by Giant Hornets?”

April 19th – Karen Thurlow on “Colony Raised Queens”
Free to non-members: watch the recording HERE

March 9th – Dr. Robyn Underwood: “Organic Honey Bee Colony Management”

February 1st – Carolyn Nichols: “The Art of Mead Making – the Magic of Water, Honey, and Yeast”


November 15th – Dr. Gard W. Otis, Professor Emeritus at University of Guelph: “Winter Honey Bee Biology”

October 26th – Jennifer Vashon: “Beekeepers and Black Bears”

September 28th – Jennifer Lund: “The Three Focuses of Successful Beekeeping”  

August 30th – Geoff MacLean: “Sustainability: How to Eliminate the Need to Buy Packages and Nucs Every Spring” 

July 18th – David T. Peck, PhD, Director of Research and Education at Betterbee

June 20th – Tom Nolan of NOD Apiary Products on Formic Pro and Mite Away Quick Strips (MAQS)

May 17th – Jerry Hayes, Editor of Bee Culture magazine: TBD

April 6th – Karen Thurlow: “The next 42 days with your colonies”

March 22nd – Landi Simone: “Products of the Hive”

February 28th  – Emma Walters: “Managing Varroa: Insights from the NYS Beekeeper Tech Team” 


November 1st – “Thermoregulation and Ventilation” with Bill Hesbach

September 15th –”A Fall Beekeeping Smorgasbord” with Karen Thurlow

August 12th –”Fall Varroa Mite Management” with State Apiarist Jen Lund

July 29th –“Beekeeping 360” with Dr. Medhat Nasr

June 25th –”Post-Summer Solstice Nucs for Overwintering in Maine” by Carol Armatis

May 8th –”Nuc Installation and Spring Splitting Strategies” with Lincoln Sennett, Swan’s Honey

April 29th –”All You Ever Wanted To Know About Swarms” with Jen Lund, Maine State Apiarist

March 13th –”Queen Bees and Spring Buildup” with Karen Thurlow


October 27th –“Winter Bees, Heater Bees and Winter Survival” with Jane Dunstan

September 15th –”Tips and Tricks of Honey Harvesting” with Rick Cooper

August 6th –“What You Should Be Doing Now: Summer/Fall Edition” with Jennifer Lund

June 15th –“Making Splits for Overwintering” 
 with Erin Forbes

March 26th –“What You Should Be Doing Now:
 Spring Edition” with Jennifer Lund

February 17th – “EAS Honey Show Primer” with Brutz English


Rick Cooper Webinar
Webinar on honey harvesting with Rick Cooper
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