Welcome to MSBA

MSBA is a non-profit membership organization of beekeepers in Maine, dedicated to education, using best practices and honey bee health. Affiliated with local chapters throughout the state, MSBA also works with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to promote the honey bee, products of the hive and initiatives to support beekeepers. 

MSBA sells hats in the online shop!


Did you know that as a member of MSBA you can access any of the past webinars online? Access them here
Here are the remaining scheduled webinars for 2024.

  • 09/24/24 7:00 PM EST Dr. David Peck, "Small Hive Beetle Biology" Sponsored by Betterbee
  • 11/19/24 7:00 PM EST Jen Lund, Maine State Apiarist- 'The Buzz 101' Sponsored by Green Bee Soda

Jennifer Lund bee yard
Apiary Program Chats

MSBA Apiary Program Chats with Jennifer Lund & Brittney Fairfield!

Wednesday Sept. 11th 7:00-8:30 PM
Open to all beekeepers!
Jen and Brittney will discuss what they are seeing around the state, what you should be keeping an eye on in your apiary, and what the next management steps are for your apiary. This will be followed by an open Q&A session with them and other experienced beekeepers, so bring all your questions!

Sponsored by the Maine State Beekeepers Association and open to all beekeepers.

Zoom Link for Chat with Jen & Brittney

Honey Extracting
Honey Extracting


The year is starting to wind down. Drones are being driven out and the queen has drastically reduced her egg laying and the hive is making its last foraging push before winter.
If weather permits, sample colonies for varroa mites one final time mid- September. It is not unusual to have a spike in varroa mite populations during this month as surrounding hives collapse from varroa infestations and mites migrate into your hives (called the “mite bomb” effect). Treat if necessary (or as a fall knockdown) with temperature-appropriate methods. Mouse guards should already have been installed.
Harvest any extra honey produced during the fall honey flow and remove empty/partially filled supers by mid-September.