Maine State Beekeepers Association’s local chapter affiliates are the best way to get to know other beekeepers in your area and share information and experience. Chapters sponsor bee schools, open hive sessions, mentoring programs, guest speakers and other educational events.
Many chapters maintain their own websites and/or Facebook pages – follow the chapter name links for more information.
Androscoggin Beekeepers Club
Aroostook County Beekeepers Association
Meet in Easton
Cumberland County Beekeepers Association
Meets in Gorham
Kennebec Beekeepers Association
Meets in Augusta
Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers
Meets in Waldoboro
Northern Penobscot County Beekeepers Association
Meets in Lincoln
Oxford Hills Honey Bee Club
Meets in Norway
Penobscot County Beekeepers Association
Meets in Bangor
Penquis Beekeepers Association
Meets in Dexter
Sagadahoc County Beekeepers Association
Meets in Topsham
Somerset Beekeepers
Meets in Skowhegan
Tri-County Beekeepers Club
Meets in Orland
Welcomes beekeepers from Hancock, Waldo and Washington Counties
Waldo County Beekeepers
Meets in Searsmont
Washington County Beekeepers
Western Maine Beekeepers Association
Meets in Mexico
York County Beekeepers Association
Meets in Sanford