MSBA’s principal goals are to educate and inform Maine beekeepers on the theory and practice of sound beekeeping. To that end, we offer the following information sources and services:
Annual Meeting and Conference (members and guests)
This all-day gathering of beekeepers from all over the state features speakers of national reputation, vendor booths, buffet luncheon, and fund-raising auction. There is a charge for admission above membership dues, which are required to attend. An archive of our Annual Meetings from 2001 to 2021 can be viewed here.
A comprehensive list of beginner and intermediate beekeeping classes throughout the state is compiled annually, so that you can acquire the essential skills you’ll need to become a great beekeeper.
The Bee Line (members only)
MSBA’s newsletter is published bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Articles cover a broad range of topics relevant to Maine beekeepers, including seasonal management, honey bee health, queen rearing, swarm control and much more. You may choose to receive a printed version of The Bee Line through US mail, or it can be accessed in the online Members Only portal.
MSBA Website Up-to-date information is posted on beekeeping in Maine, including a monthly calendar of what you should be doing in the bee yard; event links, tips from experienced beekeepers, and how-to videos.
Webinars (members only)
Timely webinars that include a visual component about a wide variety of subjects. Some recent topics have been preparing honey show entries, spring management, and making splits. Q&A sessions are held at the end of each webinar. All webinars are available for viewing on the can be accessed in the online Members Only portal.
Locally oriented beekeeping clubs across the state provide an opportunity to meet other beekeepers in your area, increase your knowledge, learn about local conditions, and find a mentor.
Event at Viles Arboretum, Augusta, ME for all ages. A September celebration of honeybees and beekeeping.
The MV Bees Academy is a self-sustaining apiary program: Offering local honey, queen bees, and crafts made by RSU10 students to the Mountain Valley community, as well as beekeeping experiences.