Maine State Beekeepers Association

Maine Bee Schools in 2025

Acquiring some basic but essential skills is critical to becoming a successful beekeeper. “Bee School” will  get you off to a great start. Classes run for varying lengths from January through April, all over the state. They are conducted by local chapters, adult education programs, beekeeping supply businesses and in cooperation with county extension offices.

These practical courses are a must for beginners, and a great chance for intermediate level beekeepers to update and refresh their skills. In-person learning has many advantages, but due to public health concerns some programs have been switched to online. Either way, acquiring an educational foundation in beekeeping will greatly improve your chances of success!

If you are a new beekeeper, 
locate a chapter in your area to get help or find a mentor. Most of these clubs also hold open hive demos during the summer months.

2025 In-Person Courses (by location)


Beginner Bee Classes with Swan’s Honey

Beginner Bee Classes: 3/29/25 from 9-11:30, 3/31 from 6:30-9, 4/2 6:30-9, 4/5 9-11:30. Open hive day 10am 5/3/25

Advanced Bee Classes

Advanced: 3/29/25 from 1 to 3:30, 4/1 from 6:30-9, 4/3 from 6:30-9, 4/5 1-3:30.

Cost for either set of classes is $75. That includes book, handout and dessert.
An additional person attending is $25 per person, no book or handout but includes dessert!
Swans Honey
332 Bessey Ridge Road
Albion, Me 04910
207-437-2251 – call to Register



Beginner Bee School with Kennebec Beekeeper Association

Our 2025 Beginner Bee School will be on Saturday mornings 9-12pm at Viles Arboretum (153 Hospital St, Augusta, ME 04330) starting February 8th – March 15th.
 The 6 week course will go over the basics of beekeeping. All class materials provided along with open hive days during the summer, our honey extraction class and winterizing class to complete the beekeeping year.
****Registration opens on January 1st. To sign up for the class you will need to email me your name, email (best email to reach you!) and phone number. Class is limited to 40 students.
Cost is $90.00, payable by Venmo or check and is due at the time of registration to hold your spot.
Please check out our Facebook page for  details: Kennebec Beekeeper Association.
Any questions or to register please email for more information.



Beekeeping: An Introductory Workshop with Sagadahoc County Beekeepers Association

This one day introduction course will provide an overview of beekeeping for those considering beekeeping or just wanting to learn more about honeybees. The course will cover equipment required, equipment sources, cost, level of effort required, basic bee biology and care, etc. The course is intended to provide basic background information and a general understanding of beekeeping, to help determine if beekeeping is for you. The course is not intended to function as a full beekeeping course; it is highly recommended that a full “Fundamentals of Beekeeping” course is completed if your goal is to become a beekeeper. Morse High School, 826 Shipbuilder Way, Bath, ME 04530 Meets in Rm 160. Cost: $35

Session 1: Thursday January 16th, 2025, 6:00pm-800pm


Blue Hill

Beginner Bee School with Tri-County Beekeeper’s Club

We will be hosting our Beginner Beekeeping School on the last four Saturdays in March, from 10AM-noon, at the Howard Room of the Blue Hill Library. Here you will learn the basics of how to keep bees on the coast of Maine.
March 8th Introduction to Beekeeping and Hierarchy of the Hive
March 15th Hive Equipment Overview
March 22nd Seasonal Management of your Beehive
March 29th Pests and Diseases of the Hive with State Apiarist Jen Lund
With Saturday April 5th 10:00-noon as a make-up day in case any of those get snowed out.
The cost is $55 for the full course and includes a one year membership to the Club.
Please contact us at: for more information and to receive an application form.
Membership in TCBC offers the beekeeper access to local mentoring, club resources and the use of the club honey extractor. We promote the art of beekeeping through open hive sessions, monthly meetings with speakers, and other educational events. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except September and December) at the Orland Community Center, 21 School House Rd, Orland Maine.


Bee School with Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers

Discover the fascinating hobby of beekeeping! Join us for a 7-week interactive, IN PERSON course, presented by experienced beekeepers from the Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers (KLCB) and Maine’s State Bee Inspector. Whether you have an interest in becoming a backyard beekeeper for your gardening passion, wish to consider keeping hives for a honey crop, or simply desire to learn more about the intriguing community of honeybees, attending a local bee school will provide you with a basic foundation to get started. This course is designed for first- and second-year beekeepers.
Beekeeping basics, equipment needs, seasonal management, honey bee diseases and pest management will be presented.

DATES: Tuesday evenings, February 25 through April 8th

TIME: 6PM to 8:30PM

LOCATION: Damariscotta Assembly of God, 672 Main Street, Damariscotta, Maine 04543

COST:  $110 – this includes the class with hands on breakout sessions, book, handouts, and a one-year membership with KLCBee.

Click here to Register and for more Information


Beginner Beekeeping and Intermediate Beekeeping with Cumberland County Beekeepers and UMaine Cooperative Extension

Beginner Beekeeping 5 weeks
Thursdays, February 6 – March 6, 2025 (Snow Date March 13, 2025) Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
Where: UMaine Regional Learning Center, 75 Clearwater Drive, Suite 104, Falmouth, Maine (Directions)
Cost: Single registration = $125, Household registration for 2 (1 book) = $220
The Cumberland County Beginner Beekeeping Course will teach beginning beekeepers the basics of honey bee biology and beekeeping. The course is designed for those considering buying their first hives, those in their first year, and even those with a couple of years of experience who want to enhance their skills and knowledge. Learn evidence-based approaches to beekeeping.
Instructors:  EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, Jacky Hildreth and Master Beekeeper in training Lindy Allen.
The $125 fee for one registrant; or $220 for two registrants (1 Book) includes the cost of one textbook. Registration is required, space is limited.

Intermediate Beekeeping
Tuesdays, February 4 – March 4, 2025 (Snow Date March 11, 2025), Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m
Where: UMaine Regional Learning Center, 75 Clearwater Drive, Suite 104, Falmouth, Maine (Directions)
Cost: Single registration = $160, Household registration for 2 (1 book) = $270
The Cumberland County Intermediate Beekeeping Course is designed to help beekeepers with two or more years of experience to the next level of apiary management. This course focuses on sustainable beekeeping techniques and strategies that work with the bees natural instincts while still incorporating the beekeepers goals for success. The course will dive deeper into the following subjects: seasonal colony management, queens and queen rearing, swarm management, apiary development, colony and apiary health, harvest and production of items for sale.
Instructor: EAS Certified Master Beekeeper Erin Evans.
The $160 fee and $270 fee includes the cost of one textbook and a Queen Marking Tube and Cage for each participant.



Basic Beekeeping Class with Kennebunkport Parks and Recreation and York County Beekeepers Association

When: Mondays, February 10th to March 10th (March 17th reserved as a snow day), 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Where: Kennebunkport Parks and Recreation, 20 Recreation Way, Kennebunkport.
Cost: $75.00 – includes a textbook and a one-year membership to York County Beekeeper Association.
Course Instructors: Kevin McDonnell, Cornell University Master Beekeeper. Mary Beth Hiller, 8-year experienced beekeeper.
This beginner beekeeping course is designed to provide first and second year beekeepers with essential knowledge and practical skills. Topics include bee biology, hive management, equipment, and seasonal care. A dedicated session on honeybee pests, diseases, and treatments will be led by Jen Lund, Maine’s State Apiarist.
Registration is required, and space is limited to 20 students.



Introduction to Beekeeping with University of Maine Extension

Buzzing into Beekeeping? Join Us in Machias! Discover the sweet world of beekeeping with UMaine Extension’s Introduction to Beekeeping Course! Whether you’re a beginner or just curious about bees, this eight-session course is perfect for anyone interested in learning the art and science of beekeeping.

When: Saturdays, Feb. 8 – March 29

Time: 10 a.m. – Noon 

Where: University of Maine at Machias

Start your beekeeping adventure today! For details and registration, visit the program webpage:



Basic Beekeeping with Western Maine Beekeepers Association

Western Maine Beekeepers Association will offer it”s annual 8 week Basic beekeeping class again this year.

When: Saturdays, January 25th to March 29th (includes snow days), 10am – 12:30pm

Where: Region #9 Adult Education Learning Center in Mexico
Cost: $80.00 – includes curriculum, text book and 1 yr. membership to WMBA.
This class offers an in-depth beginners beekeeping course including bee biology, equipment, PPE, seasonal management and much more. State Bee Inspector- Jennifer Lund will present her program on bee pests and diseases. Your membership entitles you to attend monthly Open Hive sessions during the summer months, mentorship opportunities, and all of our annual club activities.

Please contact John Stewart at 207-939-1044 or email to register or for more information.


Beginner Beekeeping with Somerset Beekeepers Association

Beginner Beekeeping Class

This beginner beekeeping course will educate those interested in getting started with bees and beekeeping. Topics of discussion will be Langstroth beehives, assembling bee equipment, installing a nuc, controlling swarming, and dealing with varroa mites. Other topics include how and when to harvest honey, splitting hives, and winterizing the bees.

On the first night of class, the instructor will collect $55 from each participant to cover the cost of the textbook and for a one-year membership to the Somerset Beekeepers Club. If you and others of the same household just want one book then we will deduct the cost of the book for the others. Assignment of a mentor will also be available.

You can sign up through Skowhegan (MSAD 54) or Messalonskee’s (RSU 18) Adult Education programs when their winter catalogs are out (early January). There is a $5 registration fee.

Class Dates: Wed., 2/12/2025;  Wed., 2/19/2025; Thurs., 2/27/2025; Wed., 3/5/2025; Wed., 3/12/2025

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m

Location: Poulin-Turner Union Hall; 627 US-201 Skowhegan, Maine


Beginner Bee School with Spicer Bees

Classes will be on Saturday afternoons 1pm-5pm, March 30, April 6th and April 13th at Spicer Bees:463 Mills Road,Whitefield, ME 04353. (207)-549-0441
Cost is $85.00 which includes Beekeeping for Beginners book.
Check out our website or our Facebook page at Spicer Bees for more information.


Beginner Bee School and Intermediate Bee School with Backwoods Bee Farm

Backwoods Bee Farm, 106 Page Road, Windham, Maine
Instructor: Master Beekeeper Chris Rogers Any questions please call 893-2847

2025 Beginner Bee School (in person class)
Overview: Intro to honey bees, beekeeping through the season. Field day in April.

Class One: Saturdays February 8th, 15th, & 22nd – 3 weeks  9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
$100 per person includes book, or $150 per couple sharing one book. 12 people per class

Class Two: Tuesdays January 14th through February 11th – 5 weeks  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
$100 per person includes book, or $150 per couple sharing one book. 12 people per class

Intermediate Bee School (in person class)
Overview: Advanced seasonal management including nucs and backyard queen rearing.
Tuesdays March 4th – 25th – 4 weeks  6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
$100 per person includes book, or $150 per couple sharing one book. 12 people per class

Littleton New Hampshire, and ZOOM

White Mountain Apiary

We are very excited to be offering in-person and online classes for our 2025 BEE SCHOOL. Lessons are presented in a format that follows a beekeeping season. This new format will help you understand the numerous tasks involved during the season and also provide you with a better understanding of why and how beekeepers manage their hive(s). This is not a step by step approach, rather the sequence of class deliveries and homework assignments that provide a logical format you can easily follow and also use as a reference when you begin and continue to manage your hive(s).

Classes will be held at the Littleton Community Center, 120 Main Street, Littleton, NH and via Zoom at the same dates and time. Classes will be recorded for those that want to participate in the class at their own pace.

  • Saturday, January 11, 2025 – 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, January 18, 2025 – 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025 – 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, February 1, 2025 – 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, February 8, 2025 – 9 am to noon
  • Saturday, February 15, 2025 – 9 am to noon

Scheduled hands-on time in hives in May.

Cost is $175 individual/$275 couple – please register in advance so we will have class materials ready for you.

Register Here


2025 Online Courses

Beekeeping for Beginners with MOFGA

January 18 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
January 19 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
January 25 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

$45 – $105

This is a 3 part webinar series, all sessions will be recorded & the recordings shared with registrants.  We will reserve January 26 as a snow date in case of power or internet outages.

Join Master Beekeeper Karen Thurlow for three sessions to help you get ready for your first season keeping bees. She will prepare you for the earliest decisions you’ll have to make when starting out: what equipment to get (and where), how to put together a new hive and where to situate it, and what bees to order and in what “form” (package or nuc). Karen will also introduce you to the lives of bees themselves – what their roles and basic needs are – as well as what you need to look for when inspecting your hive(s), and what each of the four seasons as a beekeeper will require of you.

Register Here


Free Online Courses

Many online courses and YouTube videos are helpful as a supplement to in-person Bee Schools, but they may not be an adequate substitute for local learning. Your beekeeping management must be geared to Maine’s climate conditions.

University of Guelph (Ontario)

Honey Bee Research Centre
“How-To Beekeeping Video Series” a comprehensive library of videos from getting started to more advanced topics.

National Cooperative Extension Resource

First Lessons in Beekeeping: Honey Bee Biology
Basic Beekeeping Techniques

Scientific Beekeeping

First Year Beekeeping is presented by biologist and commercial beekeeper Randy Oliver

Heroes to Hives

Free online beekeeping program for Veterans, Reservists, Active Duty or National Guard members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their adult children, spouses, partners and caregivers.

Hives for Heroes

Hives for Heroes® is a national non-profit service organization focusing on sustainability, conservation, and providing a healthy transition from service. Through our national network of beekeepers, we provide connection, purpose, and healthy relationships, through access, resources, and funding for Active Duty, Veterans, and First Responders.

Watch videos here to learn the step-by-step process, roles, responsibilities, and expectations of Hives for Heroes members.

SCBA Bee School
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