Welcome to MSBA
MSBA is a non-profit membership organization of beekeepers in Maine, dedicated to education, using best practices and honey bee health. Affiliated with local chapters throughout the state, MSBA also works with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to promote the honey bee, products of the hive and initiatives to support beekeepers.

2025 Bee Schools
Learn about bee biology, hive types, tools and equipment, and how to be a Beekeeper - before you get your honeybees! Courses offered in-person and online.
In-Person Courses starting in March:
Albion-Beginner Bee Classes with Swan's Honey
Albion-Advanced Bee Classes with Swan's Honey
Blue Hill-Beginner Bee School with Tri-County Beekeeper's Club
Whitefield-Beginner Bee School with Spicer Bees
Windham-Intermediate Bee School with Backwoods Bee Farm
Learn More About In-Person and Online Courses

2025 MSBA Apiary Program Chats with Jen and Brittney!
Open to all beekeepers!
We will discuss what we are seeing around the state, what you should be keeping an eye on in your apiary, and what the next management steps are for your apiary. This will be followed by an open Q&A session with other experienced beekeepers, so bring all your questions!
Sponsored by the Maine State Beekeepers Association, open to all beekeepers. Zoom link can be found here a couple of days before the session.
These sessions will not be recorded - Bee there or bee square!
7:00-8:30 PM Zoom
- Monday April 21st
- Monday June 16th
- Monday July 21st
- Monday August 18th
- Monday September 15th
- Monday October 20th

Beekeepers Calendar
Most queens will be laying eggs by the end of this month. Very little natural forage is
available so monitoring food reserves is critical. It is not uncommon for a hive to make it through the hardest part of winter only to starve in March or April. If honey reserves are low, feed candy or dry sugar. Colonies that consume feed should be monitored carefully and fed as needed. Pollen substitute may be fed to strong colonies with plenty of honey stores in mid-March. Set up equipment for new packages/nucs. Clean smokers and repair/build hive boxes. Install electric fencing if there is bear activity in your area.